Frodsham & Hutton

Client | Electricity Alliance East

Division | Construction

Due to the requirement to supply increased power for Network Rail, National Grid awarded two "trackside feeder" contracts to provide new circuits from their Hutton Substation to Oxenholme (in the Lake District) and from their Frodsham Substation to Rivington Road (in Cheshire).

The schemes were awarded to the Electricity Alliance East who subcontracted the civils and cable installation works to Neary Construction

The works comprised the installation of ducted cable circuits over predominantly cross-country routes at both sites. Both projects had a similar route length of approx. 3,500 metres each. The scope of Neary Construction's work included easement fencing, topsoil stripping, haul road construction, trenching and ducting, joint bay construction, cable installation and easement reinstatement.

Both projects ran concurrently between Spring 2008 and Summer 2009 but were undertaken as separate projects, each with dedicated management teams and resources.

The Frodsham project included several major pipeline crossings successfully undertaken by "open-cut" methodology aswell as various road and ditch crossings.

The Hutton project involved several significant stream crossings and the installation of a temporary access bridge. Earth rods were rock-drilled below the trench bed and interconnected with earth tape surrounded in marconite over the route at the approach to Oxenholme.

Both projects were successfully completed on-time and on-budget.